Ross Mueller's 'A Strategic Plan' opens this week — Cameron's


Ross Mueller's 'A Strategic Plan' opens this week

Ross Mueller's 'A Strategic Plan' opens this week

Ross Mueller’s office-based comedy, A Strategic Plan, opens this coming Thursday at Griffin Theatre. The play – set in a small, non-for-profit arts company, STACCATO, which is dedicated to promoting music for young people in regional areas – was written in response to Brandis’ arts cuts. Andrew (Justin Smith), STACCATO’s CEO and former rock muso, has been parachuted in to save the company from oblivion. Mission accomplished, he’s setting his sights on implementing a bold, new strategic plan. But the Board has unanimously scrapped the plan and neglected to tell Andrew, leaving him adrift in a world of KPIs, performance reviews and a General Manager who refuses to return from his holiday in Thailand.

For more information and how to book, click here. You can also view Ross’ Sydney Morning Herald feature here.

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