Dany Cooper's trailer for Measure of a Man released — Cameron's


Dany Cooper's trailer for Measure of a Man released

Dany Cooper's trailer for Measure of a Man released

Measure of a Man (dir. Jim Loach) edited by Dany Cooper has released it's first trailer. The trailer is currently ranked at number three on iTunes and the film will be released in the US on the 11th of May. This coming of age film starring Judy Greer and Luke Wilson is reminiscent of Stand By Me and follows the Summer camp story of a bullied teenager.

See the trailer here.

Congratulations Rupert Guinness For An Epic Ride

Congratulations Rupert Guinness For An Epic Ride

Kris Mrksa's Requiem premieres on Netflix tomorrow. It's binge time!

Kris Mrksa's Requiem premieres on Netflix tomorrow. It's binge time!