Cameron Creswell Welcomes Award-Winning Journalist, Michael Roddan to the Literary Agency. — Cameron's


Cameron Creswell Welcomes Award-Winning Journalist, Michael Roddan to the Literary Agency.

Cameron Creswell Welcomes Award-Winning Journalist, Michael Roddan to the Literary Agency.

Cameron Creswell is pleased to welcome Michael Roddan to the literary agency. Michael is a senior companies reporter with The Australian Financial Review.

He was previously a journalist with The Australian newspaper covering economics, politics, regulation, public policy and financial services from Parliament House in Canberra, and Sydney and Melbourne covering the financial system, and with the now-defunct Business Spectator.

Michael was named the Citi Young Business Journalist of the Year in 2020.

The People vs The Banks was published by Melbourne University Press in 2019 and was nominated for a Kennedy Award for Excellence in Journalism.

For all print, film and television enquiries please contact Jeanne Ryckmans:

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