Dylan Van Den Berg's 'Ngadjung' Premieres in Canberra — Cameron's


Dylan Van Den Berg's 'Ngadjung' Premieres in Canberra

Dylan Van Den Berg's 'Ngadjung' Premieres in Canberra

Ngadjung, Written and Directed by Dylan Van Den Berg is now playing at Belco Arts in Canberra.

In a time when the sun burns through skin and water only comes in bottles, Ngadjung is an environmental drama set in a scarily imaginable future, right here on Ngunnawal Country.  

Already a highly acclaimed playwright, Van Den Berg’s “Ngadjung” provided opportunities for theatrical investigations on a multi-dimensional platform. 

In this, he demonstrated a promise of things to come; creating a mostly successful and engaging work that was satisfying on many levels.

City News

Running until 27 August at Belco Arts in Canberra.

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