Sneak preview of the book jacket for Hung Le’s forthcoming memoir, The Crappiest Refugee. — Cameron's


Sneak preview of the book jacket for Hung Le’s forthcoming memoir, The Crappiest Refugee.

Sneak preview of the book jacket for Hung Le’s forthcoming memoir, The Crappiest Refugee.

Long before Ahn Do, there was Hung Le. On the last day of the Vietnam War, nine-year-old Hung jumped on a leaking prawn trawler on the Saigon River. After surviving thirst, hunger and somehow cheating death, Hung became one of the first Vietnamese boat people to land in Australia – the lucky country, where a young man’s potential is limited only by his imagination. Unless your Hung Le.

Defying the stereotype, Hung wasn’t a math or computer whizz and had no doctoring or lawyering abilities. What he was blessed with was funny bones. From busking in the streets to winning Red Faces on Hey Hey It’s Saturday, he managed to make an international career playing the violin out of tune. The Crappiest Refugee is an hilarious and endearing memoir about a boat person who never found his land legs but has always seen the funny side.  

Affirm Press will publish early next year.

For enquiries about Hung’s publication, film and TV rights, please contact Jeanne Ryckmans:

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