Congratulations to our Clients Tommy Murphy and Liz Doran Shortlisted for the NSW Premier's Literary Awards — Cameron's


Congratulations to our Clients Tommy Murphy and Liz Doran Shortlisted for the NSW Premier's Literary Awards

Congratulations to our Clients Tommy Murphy and Liz Doran Shortlisted for the NSW Premier's Literary Awards

Cameron’s is delighted to congratulate Liz Doran and Tommy Murphy who have been shortlisted for the NSW Premier's Literary Awards.  

Brilliant playwright Tommy Murphy has been shortlisted for the prestigious Nick Enright Prize for Playwrighting for his smash hit play "Mark Colvin's Kidney". The judges' comments are glowing...

"Tommy Murphy’s play dealing with Mary Ellen Field and her kidney donation to Australian journalist Mark Colvin is direct, amusing and unsentimental but without fear of emotion. 

The play is especially notable for the way it eschews relationship tropes in drama and portrays a wide array of rich and unusual human encounters. This is the work of a highly skilled playwright eloquently handling material that could overwhelm lesser writers."

Sensational Screenwriter Liz Doran has been shortlisted for the acclaimed Betty Roland Prize for Scriptwriting along with her co-writers Josh Thomas and Thomas Ward for the emotionally powerful yet hilarious "Burrito Bowl' Series 4 Episode 5 of Please Like Me. An amazing piece of television and the judges agree...

"Writers Josh Thomas, Thomas Ward and Liz Doran build upon the central characters’ shared history across four broadcast seasons, juxtaposing light and shade, comedy and drama as they explore anxieties, large and small, in the lives of their ensemble of characters dealing with a significant death. The seemingly laid-back construction of scenes masks the story’s considered and cumulative impact.

The script’s lightness of touch ensures that the tragic events depicted hit home with devastating impact. In their accomplished script alloying comedy and drama, the writers bring the topic of mental health out into the open — where it belongs."


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Kris Mrksa's Requiem premieres on Netflix tomorrow. It's binge time!

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