Congratulations to our Cameron's NSW Premier's Literary Awards Nominees — Cameron's


Congratulations to our Cameron's NSW Premier's Literary Awards Nominees

Congratulations to our Cameron's NSW Premier's Literary Awards Nominees

The NSW Premier’s Literary Awards shortlist was announced on Friday and we would like to congratulate all our Cameron’s nominees.

Kate Mulvany was nominated for The Nick Enright Prize for Playwriting for The Mares which was produced by the Tasmanian Theatre Company as was S. Shakthidharan and Associate Writer Eamon Flack for their play Counting and Cracking which was produced by Belvoir St Theatre

Tamara Asmar was nominated for Betty Roland Prize for Scriptwriting for her pilot episode of The Ropes which was produced by Lingo pictures and broadcast by SBS.

Tristan Bancks was nominated for the Patricia Wrightson Prize for Children’s Literature for his novel Detention which was published by Penguin Random House.

You can read further about the nominees and their work here.

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