Congratulations to Mandy Sayer - Shortlisted for 2021 Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship — Cameron's


Congratulations to Mandy Sayer - Shortlisted for 2021 Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship

Congratulations to Mandy Sayer - Shortlisted for 2021 Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship

Congratulations to Cameron’s client Mandy Sayer, who has been shortlisted for the 2021 Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship.

The Hazel Rowley Literary Fellowship, valued at $15,000, supports Australian writers working on biography projects. The Fellowship was established by the family and friends of Hazel Rowley, one of the world’s leading biographers, to commemorate her life and writing legacy following her death in 2011.

Mandy is shortlisted for her proposal on the McDonagh sisters, Australia’s first female filmmakers.

The winner of the Fellowship will be announced at Adelaide Writers Week on Wednesday 3 March 2021, and the full shortlist may be found here.

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