Cameron’s Management Congratulates Zoë Coyle — Cameron's


Cameron’s Management Congratulates Zoë Coyle

Cameron’s Management Congratulates Zoë Coyle

Ultimo Press has acquired world rights for two books by debut novelist Zoë Coyle, in a deal brokered by Jeanne Ryckmans of Cameron’s Management.

Where the Light Gets In is the story of Delphi Hoffman ‘a wild child living in London … finally getting her somewhat deliciously messy life together with a new love affair and the offer of a coveted job’ when she receives the phone call telling her her mother Inica’s terminal illness has reached its tipping point. Having promised her mother ‘a good death’, Delphi must return to Australia to help her euthanize.

‘The genesis of this story arrived when I was heavily pregnant with my first child,’ said Coyle. ‘I felt compelled to take stock of who I was, of my history, of who I wanted to be for my child, of what I wanted her to inherit and what I needed to clean up in my psyche so it wasn’t hers to solve or survive. This book is a fictional study of the ramifications of trauma and the courage that is required to heal. Ultimately though, it’s a book about love. The subject I find most fascinating of all.’

Ultimo publisher Alex Craig said: ‘We believe Zoe has an incredible future. Her voice is unique—authentic, full of wit, wise and gracious. Where the Light Gets In is a novel women will relate to as mothers, daughters, sisters, friends.’

A NIDA graduate and actor, volunteer worker and founder of leadership and communications company Pilot Light, Coyle has also trained with author Brené Brown as an accredited Dare to Lead facilitator.

Where the Light Gets In will be published in April 2022. Coyle’s second title will be published in 2023.

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