Actor and Screenwriter Oscar Redding Joins the Agency! — Cameron's


Actor and Screenwriter Oscar Redding Joins the Agency!

Actor and Screenwriter Oscar Redding Joins the Agency!

Cameron’s is pleased to welcome screenwriter and actor Oscar Redding to the agency.

Oscar is a kid from the remote regional town of Wee Jasper, NSW, who has been working in the industry for over 30 years across theatre, film and television as an actor, director, writer and producer but not necessarily in that order.

He has performed in over forty theatre productions, from the naked insanity of the fringe to the most comfortable mainstream entertainment Australian theatre has to offer. He has worked with some of the country’s most exciting and respected theatre makers and companies including Ilbijerri, Belvoir, Malthouse, Yirra Yaakin and the Sydney Theatre Company.

Film and television credits include SEA CHANGE, THE TURNING, REDFERN NOW, PUBERTY BLUES, BEACONSFIELD, THE PRINCIPAL, DEEP WATER and THE SECRET LIFE OF US. Most recently he appeared in Foxtel production THE TWELVE and the ABC’s BAY OF FIRES.

Oscar has been recognised internationally for his work in Jane Campion’s TOP OF THE LAKE and the feature film VAN DEIMEN‘S LAND which he co-wrote with director Jonathan Auf Der Heide, winning Best International (Non-European) Film at Lund Film Festival in Sweden as well as the Holden Award for Best Script - Special Mention at Torino Film Festival in Italy.

As a writer/creator, he is also known for his adaption of THE TRAGEDY OF HAMLET PRINCE OF DENMARK, (a feature film he also directed) which was screened at the Melbourne International Film Festival, the play AN EVENING WITH THE DEVIL for Playbox Theatre Company and the web series COP HARD. Most recently he co-wrote the multi award winning feature film THE ROYAL HOTEL with director Kitty Green which received the Australia Writers Guild AWGIE award for Best Feature Film – Adapted.

For enquiries regarding Oscar Redding please contact us via email or on (02) 9319 7199

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