Passion for animal eco-warriors earns Nic Gill national gong — Cameron's


Passion for animal eco-warriors earns Nic Gill national gong

Passion for animal eco-warriors earns Nic Gill national gong

The author of a children's book championing super dogs, hero rats and cyborg bees has been honoured in this year's Froggatt Awards, given annually to Australians protecting our native plants and animals, ecosystems and people from dangerous new invasive species.

"Tasmanian author Nicole Gill has won a Froggatt Award for her extraordinary children's book Animal Eco-Warriors," Invasive Species Council CEO Andrew Cox said today.

"It's hard to believe, but Nicole has turned the frightening world of dangerous invasive species into a mesmerising children's book filled with inspiring stories about animals operating on the frontline of biosecurity in Australia.”

The Froggatt Awards are named in honour of Australian entomologist Walter Froggatt, a lone voice in the 1930s who warned of the dangers of releasing the cane toad into Australia as a control agent for beetle infestations in the sugar cane industry.

"Animal Eco-Warriors is filled with inspiring stories like the one about biosecurity beagles at Hobart airport, sniffing out diseases and other environmental threats before they make it past the security gate, terriers ensuring Tasman Island remains feral cat free and sniffer dogs hunting down orange hawkweed in Kosciusko National Park," Mr Cox said.

Nicole was awarded a Froggatt Award for "creating positive and engaging stories for children about biosecurity".

Please direct all enquiries for Nicole to Jeanne Ryckmans at

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