Call of the Reed Warbler shortlisted for the Queensland Literary Awards 2018 — Cameron's


Call of the Reed Warbler shortlisted for the Queensland Literary Awards 2018

Call of the Reed Warbler shortlisted for the Queensland Literary Awards 2018

Congratulations to Charles Massy, whose critically acclaimed book, Call of the Reed Warbler, has made the Queensland Literary Awards 2018 shortlist (nonfiction book).

In a persuasive call to change the way we think, the way we farm and how we grow food, in Call of the Reed Warbler, Charles Massy explores transformative and regenerative agriculture and the vital connection between our soil and our health. It is a story of how a grassroots revolution can save the planet, help turn climate change around, and build healthy people and healthy communities, pivoting significantly on our relationship with growing and consuming food. Using his personal experience as a touchstone, Massy tells the real story behind industrial agriculture and the global profit-obsessed corporations driving it. He shows – through evocative stories – how innovative farmers are finding a new way and interweaves his own local landscape, its seasons and biological richness. At stake is not only a revolution in human health and our communities but the very survival of the planet. For farmer, backyard gardener, food buyer, health worker, policy maker and public leader alike, Call of the Reed Warbler offers a tangible path forward for the future of our food supply, our Australian landscape and our earth. It comprises a powerful and moving paean of hope.

The full shortlist can be found at the Queensland Literary Awards website


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