Further critical acclaim for Charlie Massy's ground-breaking book "Call Of The Reed Warbler" — Cameron's


Further critical acclaim for Charlie Massy's ground-breaking book "Call Of The Reed Warbler"

Further critical acclaim for Charlie Massy's ground-breaking book "Call Of The Reed Warbler"

Charles Massy’s Call of the Reed Warbler has been receiving glowing reviews on all fronts. 

"This is a beautiful book, both in the language in which it is couched and because of the ideas it propounds; but it is also a necessary one. It asks us — as decent citizens, as ethical agents, as ­humans desiring to persist in the face of the gravest ecological challenge in our history as a species — to prioritise the question every indigenous Australian habitually asked themselves before we arrived with our Enlightenment certitude, our mechanistically minded arrogance, and royally screwed up everything: “What can I do for country?” - Geordie Williamson, The Australian *

"Part lyrical nature writing, part storytelling, part solid scientific evidence, part scholarly research, part memoir, the book is an elegant manifesto, an urgent call to stop trashing the Earth and start healing it. More than that, it underlines a direct link between soil health and human health, and that the chemicals used in industrial agriculture are among the causes of modern illness." -Susan Chenery, The Guardian

"The Call of the Reed Warbler is a brutally honest book – an account of personal redemption following generations of sin. The only comparable work I know of is Rian Malan’s great saga of South Africa, My Traitor’s Heart (1990) – revolutionary, threatening, and the traducing efforts of an insider." Tim Flannery, The Australian Book Review*

*Please note a subscription is need to view these complete articles.

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