'Counting and Cracking' by S.Shakthidharan and associate writer Eamon Flack wins the Drama Prize and Victorian Prize for Literature at the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards — Cameron's


'Counting and Cracking' by S.Shakthidharan and associate writer Eamon Flack wins the Drama Prize and Victorian Prize for Literature at the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards

'Counting and Cracking' by S.Shakthidharan and associate writer Eamon Flack wins the Drama Prize and Victorian Prize for Literature at the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards

Congratulations to S.Shakthidharan and associate writer Eamon Flack on their big win last night at the Victorian Premier’s Awards. Their play Counting and Cracking won both the Prize for Drama and the overall Victorian Prize for Literature.

For more details check out these articles in the Guardian and the Sydney Morning Herald.

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