Check out Michael Costi's play 'Two Twenty Somethings...' at Kings Cross Theatre this week — Cameron's


Check out Michael Costi's play 'Two Twenty Somethings...' at Kings Cross Theatre this week

Check out Michael Costi's play 'Two Twenty Somethings...' at Kings Cross Theatre this week

Check out Michael Costi’s hilarious play Two Twenty Somethings Decide Never to Be Stressed About Anything Ever Again. Ever at the Kings Cross Theatre.

What’s it about:

Two Twenty Somethings… follows a young couple who are worried about, well, everything. From student debt to hand hygiene, the resurgence of ISIS to whatever the hell edamame is. After a ruined dinner, they write a list of everything that troubles them. A deal is made: they will never be stressed about anything, ever again. Ever.

What the critics said:

“Costi’s play is an enjoyable send-up of the absurd wormholes our first-world worries take us down, an entertaining eye-roll of the vacuous ‘return to your roots’ missive, and a satire of the solipsistic self-care celebrated by those who care only for themselves.” - The Audrey Journal

“Michael Costi’s script is fast-paced and searingly accurate about both the stresses and anxieties faced by young adults now and also the vapid, individualistic attitude so prevalent on social media where twenty-somethings grew up.” - Night Writes Sydney Theatre Reviews

The Sydney season of the play closes on Saturday the 22nd of May and is well worth a look. You can book tickets via this link.

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