Audience Awards: ‘Mix Tape’ and ‘Went Up the Hill’
Over the past week, both Mix Tape and Went Up the Hill have been bestowed audience awards at their respective festivals.
Binge series Mix Tape, was awarded the TV Spotlight Award after its global premiere at SXSW in Austin. Director Lucy Gaffy attended the showing, which was followed by a Q&A. Accompanying her were cast Florence Hunt and Rory Walton-Smith.
Congratulations to Lucy, Marden Dean and Christine Cheung.
Went Up the Hill continues its successful festival run, screening this year at the Luxembourg City Film Festival, where it has been awarded the Prix Du Public – By Orange (Audience Award). After its release at TIFF, the Hollywood reporter described the film as, ‘Stunning and original’.
Congratulations to Dany Cooper and Sherree Phillips.