David Williamson's 'Nearer the Gods' a Hit at QTC — Cameron's


David Williamson's 'Nearer the Gods' a Hit at QTC

David Williamson's 'Nearer the Gods' a Hit at QTC

The last two performances of David Williamson’s Nearer The Gods are sold out at Queensland Theatre Company and it’s no wonder. The play has received rave reviews in The Australian, The Brisbane Courier Mail and The Daily Review among others.

The play starts in 1684 at the dawn of the Enlightenment. Bright young astronomer Edmund Halley must somehow wrangle the laws of gravity and motion from the brain of fickle and contrary Isaac Newton who has become a hermit and is engaged in more metaphysical matters.

The Australian calls it a “one of the greatest in the science-play genre. It’s that good.”

The Brisbane Courier Mail says “Williamson…has outdone even himself with this masterful, accessible and fascinating story…what a triumph – both the theatre and the play.”

Congratulations to Cameron’s client David Williamson on Nearer The Gods’ fantastic premiere run. Looking forward to seeing it on the stage again soon.

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